In a city like Las Vegas, employment opportunities take on a very different look than in other cities in the United States.  Over the years the landscape of the city has changed from being almost entirely tourism and gambling based to having all of the same opportunities that would be offered in any other city, as well as those offered by the hospitality industry.  This is because Las Vegas used to be made up of a very small population of residents who derived their income working in the hotel and casino properties as waiters and waitresses, maids, dealers, pit bosses, security personnel and maintenance.  Each property had a small and finite amount of jobs available, which the locals staffed.  Today things are very different, as the casinos and hotels have grown significantly in size and stature, now attracting tens of millions of visitors each year as opposed to the thousands that they attracted in years past.  As the need for more people to staff positions in growing casinos and hotels increased, so did the local population who came from other areas seeking available employment.  As a result of this population expansion, all of the industries that service this population grew and expanded as well.  Healthcare, food service, banking, sales and auto services all grew to service that growing population, along with real estate related jobs and other employment.  Las Vegas grew into a real city that also enjoyed the benefits of a tourist economy, availing opportunities to our locals that may not be available in such abundance elsewhere.  Lifeguarding is one of these occupations.

It is arguable that Las Vegas is the lifeguard capital of the world, as legal requirements force hotels with pools to maintain a lifeguard on duty if certain people are allowed to use the pool.  Nearly every major property is going to employ numerous lifeguards for different shifts, along with smaller hotel and motel pools, school pools, condo complex and HOA run pools, and community pools all over the city.  Because of the extended amounts of hot weather in Las Vegas, our pool season is longer than other areas, combining into a perfect opportunity for those seeking employment in the services that effect these pools.  Lifeguarding is probably the most important occupation with regards to the pools in Las Vegas, not only due to legal reasons but also because of the widespread combination of alcohol and pool use that happens here.  Quite simply, it is extra important to keep people safe in this type of environment, and the properties that employ lifeguards take this very seriously.

So what is necessary to find employment as a lifeguard in Las Vegas? Step one is going to be getting your training and certification for lifeguarding at iGuard, where we provide all of the education and training necessary to give you the tools to keep people safe in a unique environment like this one.  We will make sure that you have the best information and skills possible before we certify you for work in the field, which gives the properties and private spaces where you would be applying for employment the confidence of knowing that you are appropriately trained to keep their patrons safe.  Accidents happen around pools all the time, and in an area like Las Vegas with the extended number of pools and patrons that we have, it is extra important for businesses like ours to train the best of the best when it comes to lifeguarding.  When you are serious about becoming a lifeguard in Las Vegas, give us a call.

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